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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Clojure Macro Tutorial (Part II: The Compiler Strikes Back)

I am asked to point out that this is part of a series, following the form of the Ring Cycle, although not directly inspired by it. Syntax Quote plays the role of Siegfried in part III.

Suggestions for Götterdämmerung will be most welcome.

;; Clojure Macro Tutorial Part II: The Compiler Strikes Back


;; The first bit of this tutorial was about the idea of using the compiler
;; itself to write code.  This joyful idea has a slightly chequered history, and
;; turned out to be every bit as hard to get right as the idea of a subroutine
;; was.

;; In order to explain exactly how clojure's macro system works, I have felt it
;; necessary to go into the gory details of what goes wrong when you take the
;; naive approach to code generation.

;; As a result, this post is long, difficult, and ends on a depressing note.

;; I've tried (very hard) to make it only as long, and no more difficult than it
;; needs to be.

;; If I were you, I would skip directly to Part III, where clojure gloriously
;; resolves all these problems, and at the same time makes macros very easy to
;; write. Reading that may give you the courage to come back and face the dark
;; code beneath.

;; I am aware that this is really only a first cut at this way of explaining
;; things, and I'd very much welcome suggestions for how I could make it better.


;; So far, we have been considering the dbg macro:

(defmacro dbg[x] `(let [x# ~x] (println '~x "->" x#) x#))

;; And we have got as far as being able to approximate it by:

(defmacro dbg-1 [s]
  (list 'let ['a s] (list 'println (list 'quote s) "->" 'a) 'a))

;; We have by this point understood the essence of macros, but there are a
;; couple of loose ends to tidy up.

;; We need to learn to use the syntax-quote notation `(let [x# .....) , partly
;; because it is easier to write macros when the notation looks like the code to
;; be produced, and partly because it helps us avoid certain difficulties which
;; have historically been a problem for macro writers.

;; And we need to understand what those difficulties are, so that we can
;; understand what syntax-quote is doing for us and why.

;; A second problem to solve with macros: C-style for loops

;; Before I try to explain syntax-quote, we should look at another simple
;; macro, which is nevertheless complex enough to run into the traditional
;; difficulties of macro-writing.

;; Suppose we find ourselves writing many imperative loops. The sort of thing
;; which C expresses as
;; for(i=0; i<10; i++)
;; {
;;     print "%d" i;
;; }

;;In clojure, we can equivalently write:
(loop [i 0]
  (when (< i 10)
    (print i)
    (recur (inc i))))

;; 012345678910
;; nil

;; Let us see if we can construct a simple macro to take the labour out of
;; reading and writing these little loops using the primitive macro construction
;; methods that we already know.

;; (In effect, we are trying to write a simple version of the doseq macro.)

;; We would like to be able to write
  (forloop [i 10] (print i))

;; and have it turn into:
  (loop [i 0]
    (when (< i 10)
      (print i)
      (recur (inc i)))))

;; Let us first of all define a code-generating function:
(defn forloop-f [[var finish] & code]
  (list 'loop [var 0]
        (concat (list 'when)
                (list (list '< var finish))
                (list (list 'recur (list 'inc var))))))

;; A quick test
(forloop-f '[i 10] '(print i))
;;evaluates to:
(loop [i 0]
  (when (< i 10)
    (print i)
    (recur (inc i))))

;; which is what we want.

;; So let's make it a macro:
(defmacro forloop-bugs-1 [[var finish] & code]
  (list 'loop [var 0]
        (concat (list 'when)
                (list (list '< var finish))
                (list (list 'recur (list 'inc var))))))

;; And try it out:

(forloop-bugs-1 [i 10] (print i))

(forloop-bugs-1 [j 10] (dbg j))
;; j -> 0
;; j -> 1
;; j -> 2
;; j -> 3
;; j -> 4
;; j -> 5
;; j -> 6
;; j -> 7
;; j -> 8
;; j -> 9
;; nil

;; It seems to have worked! Bingo?

;; It has worked. But it's not called forloop-bugs-1 for nothing.  We will have
;; to work a little to make the bugs show, but they are there.

;; There are some problems that one runs into when constructing macros in this
;; way, and they are problems that all lisps have to find ways of solving if
;; they want macros.

;; I don't think many people realize quite how clever clojure's namespace and
;; backquote system are. They make what were serious problems with nasty
;; solutions in traditional lisps into minor difficulties in clojure.

;; We should understand the problems, in order to understand the answer, and use
;; clojure's macros with full confidence, rather than thinking of them as some
;; sort of magic.

;; Let's have a closer look at our naively-written loop macro:
(defmacro forloop-bugs-1 [[var finish] & code]
  (list 'loop [var 0]
        (concat (list 'when)
                (list (list '< var finish))
                (list (list 'recur (list 'inc var))))))

;; This macro, simple though it is, is sufficiently complex that it runs
;; into all the traditional difficulties of macros:

;; Once we've ploughed through the difficulties, we'll be able to see what
;; syntax-quote is for, and better appreciate what it's doing.

;; Controlling the evaluation of the arguments

;; The first problem is not so much a problem, as it is the very thing we are
;; trying to do: control when the arguments to our macro get evaluated.

;; Consider
(forloop-bugs-1 [i (rand 10)]
                (print i))

;; The intent is to go round the loop a random number of times.
;; Here are some sample evaluations:
;; 0123nil
;; 01234nil
;; 0nil

;; So by all appearances, the macro is doing what it should.

;; But let's use our debugging macro to find out how many times (rand 10) is getting called:
(forloop-bugs-1 [i (dbg (rand 10))]
                (print i))

;; (rand 10) -> 0.9753528272119372
;; 0(rand 10) -> 2.407051391491234
;; 1(rand 10) -> 8.511366087571314
;; 2(rand 10) -> 6.795055112530893
;; 3(rand 10) -> 1.6571396363426516
;; nil

;; Was that what you expected to happen?

;; It seems that (rand 10) is getting called each time we go round the loop.

;; Let's ask the compiler what
(forloop-bugs-1 [i (dbg (rand 10))]
                (print i))
;; expands to, which we can do using the function macroexpand-1:
(macroexpand-1 '(forloop-bugs-1 [i (dbg (rand 10))]
                                (print i)))

;; The generated code turns out to be:
(loop [i 0]
  (when (< i (dbg (rand 10)))
    (print i)
    (recur (inc i))))

;; That's what we thought we wanted, but looking at it now, it's pretty obvious
;; that there's a problem.

;;The code that we should probably have written might look something like this:
(let [finish (dbg (rand 10))]
  (loop [i 0]
    (when (< i finish)
      (print i)
      (recur (inc i)))))

;; Here are some test evaluations of this new code:

;; (rand 10) -> 9.333250125032992
;; 0123456789nil

;; (rand 10) -> 4.260732182937476
;; 01234nil

;; (rand 10) -> 1.6344563853179461
;; 01nil

;; Which is probably what we want, and almost certainly what someone using the
;; macro will expect.

;; The First Law
;; If you take control of when your arguments are evaluated, you have to take
;; control of when your arguments are evaluated.

;; So let's modify our macro in the obvious way to do what we now realize that we want:

(defmacro forloop-bugs-2 [[var end] & code]
  (list 'let ['finish end]
        (list 'loop [var 0]
              (concat (list 'when)
                      (list (list '< var 'finish))
                      (list (list 'recur (list 'inc var)))))))

(forloop-bugs-2 [i (dbg (rand 10))]
                (print i))
;;(rand 10) -> 5.427029108032794

;; It all seems to be working.
;; Let's have a look at the generated code:

(macroexpand-1 '(forloop-bugs-2 [i (dbg (rand 10))]
                                (print i)))

(let [finish (dbg (rand 10))]
  (loop [i 0]
    (when (< i finish)
      (print i)
      (recur (inc i)))))

;; Name Collision

;; The remaining problems are all to do with the way that the names in the
;; expansion collide with the names in the environment, and in any code which is
;; passed in to the macro.

;; You will notice that in the code generated by forloop-bugs-2, there is always
;; a variable called finish

;; Let's see if we can get that fact to cause problems:

;; Imagine that we want the loop to go all the way to ten, but for some reason
;; we don't want the printing to happen after a cutoff point:

;; We might say:
(let [cutoff 4]
  (forloop-bugs-2 [i 10]
                  (when (< i cutoff) (print i))))
;; 0123nil

;; Now let's change the name of the cutoff variable:
(let [finish 4]
  (forloop-bugs-2 [i 10]
                  (when (< i finish) (print i))))
;; 0123456789nil

;; Ooops.

;; If this doesn't violate the principle of least surprise for the user of the
;; macro, I don't know what would!

;; Again, We should look the macro expansion of the clause (forloop-bugs-2 ....)
(macroexpand-1 '(forloop-bugs-2 [i 10]
                                (when (< i finish) (print i))))
;; which is:
(let [finish 10]
  (loop [i 0] (when (< i finish)
                (when (< i finish) (print i))
                (recur (inc i)))))

;; This makes it pretty clear why this is happening, and why it didn't happen
;; when the variable was called cutoff.

;; One solution to this problem is just to choose names for the variables
;; generated by the macro which are unlikely to collide.

(defmacro forloop-bugs-3 [[var end] & code]
  (list 'let ['forloop-bugs-3-finish end]
        (list 'loop [var 0]
              (concat (list 'when)
                      (list (list '< var 'forloop-bugs-3-finish))
                      (list (list 'recur (list 'inc var)))))))

;; But this is a pretty poor solution:

;; Firstly, we don't want to write code that will only go wrong very occasionally.
;; That's the worst sort of bug to track down when it finally happens.

;; Secondly, million to one chances come up nine times out of ten. There's a
;; compiler involved.  Who knows what crazy names it will decide to come up
;; with, or what will happen when one macro expands into another macro?

;; So clojure gives us a special mechanism for making silly names which are
;; different each time.

(gensym) ;; G__11330 
(gensym) ;; G__11335

;; And we use that. Needless to say, avoid using names of the form G__????? in
;; your own code. The compiler will too.

;; How shall we use gensym?

(defmacro forloop-bugs-4 [[var end] & code]
  (let [finish (gensym)]
    (list 'let [finish end]
          (list 'loop [var 0]
                (concat (list 'when)
                        (list (list '< var finish))
                        (list (list 'recur (list 'inc var))))))))

;; Now let's look at the code that is generated by forloop-bugs-4
(macroexpand-1 '(forloop-bugs-4 [i 10]
                                (when (< i finish) (print i))))
'(let [G__11353 10]
   (loop [i 0]
     (when (< i G__11353)
       (when (< i finish)
         (print i))
       (recur (inc i)))))

;; Notice that the finish variable in the macro is now called G__11353, whereas
;; the finish variable in the code block has been preserved.

;; That's how you do macros by hand.


;; Except for one more little detail... 

;; It can happen that your macro is imported into a namespace where one of the
;; functions that was present where it was defined is either not present, or
;; defined differently.

;; So if we really and truly want to bulletproof our macros, which we do if we
;; are going to rely on them, then actually we should write:

(defmacro forloop [[var end] & code]
  (let [finish (clojure.core/gensym)]
    (clojure.core/list 'clojure.core/let [finish end]
          (clojure.core/list 'clojure.core/loop [var 0]
                (clojure.core/concat (clojure.core/list 'when)
                        (clojure.core/list (clojure.core/list '< var finish))
                        (clojure.core/list (clojure.core/list 'recur (clojure.core/list 'clojure.core/inc var))))))))

(forloop [i 10] (print i))

;; Now obviously this is going to be a gigantic pain to write.

;; It would be repetitive, mechanical and error prone. Exactly the sort of thing
;; we were trying to avoid by using macros in the first place.

;; I'm actually slightly amazed that I got the abortion above to work at all,
;; and I wouldn't be at all surprised if bugs were found in it. Not conceptual
;; bugs. I think the concept is fine. Just stupid little finger-trouble errors.

;; As I said, exactly the sort of thing we use macros to avoid having to do ourselves.

;; And a macro could be written which would automate the tricky bits of macro writing. 

;; But clojure doesn't use an ordinary macro. It considers that macro-writing is
;; so important that there is special syntax built into the reader.

;; This is what forloop should really look like. It's much easier to write like this,
;; and it looks very like the code we're trying to generate.

(defmacro forloop [[i end] & code]
  `(let [finish# ~end]
     (loop [~i 0]
       (when (< ~i finish#)
         (recur (inc ~i))))))

;;  How to write macros like this is explained in part III.


  1. I didn't think this was overly gnarly. I thought it was a well written and informative piece. It's certainly helped me clarify my understanding of macros.

  2. Thanks! I still think I should be able to do better than this, but I can't see how. Nice to know that it helped someone though.

  3. It would've really helped though, if you had explained what ~ # ` and ~@ do! Not understanding that irritated me enough to have to google it and find out. Kind of defeating the purpose of understanding macros from one tutorial series!

    Great post none-the-less... moving on to part 3 now

  4. 1 minute into part 3 makes me realise that I jumped the gun there.. :P

  5. Excellent posts. But just as Vedang mentioned, maybe you can link the relevant info mentioned later in the series like ~@ meaning etc if it comes later in the series.

  6. Hello John, thank you very much for your thorough series on macros! Part I and II really helped me to clear up some misconceptions. Your 'painful' explanations in part II were just right for me, you really need to understand that these two things can go wrong in order to know __why__ and __how__ you can avoid them!

    Thanks a lot for taking the time to share this!

  7. Great tutorial, its easy to read and understand.

  8. Great tutorial! Many thinks!

    I followed your advice about reading part 3 first. A good hint. It solves the problem of knowing the ~@,... syntax the other commenters mentioned.

  9. There's no reason to skip this and just read the next part. It is clear, well written, and not hard at all to understand. I haven't read part III, but by the end of this part the way the new syntax works in the last example makes sense if you put it next to the first, problematic version, and keep in mind the problems this post pointed out.

