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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

How it Works: the Monad

I'm currently reading the excellent tutorial on monads here: and paraphrasing it to help me understand.
The simplest monad is let, the identity monad.

(let [a 1]
  (let [b 2]
    (let [c (* a b)]
      (let [d (* a a)]
        (let [e (+ (* b b) (/ c d))]
          (let [f (+ c d e)]
            (let [g (- c)]
              (* a b c d e f g))))))))

The let above represents a complex computation.
During the computation, values are computed, names are bound to values, values are used as inputs to functions.
Values could also be pulled in from the global namespace, and side effects could be produced. Let is a very simple thing allowing the representation of very complex and powerful things.
In fact, let is only a syntactic variant of lambda, or as clojure calls it, fn.

((fn[a] (*a 2)) 1)

is exactly equivalent to

(let [a 1]
  (* a 2))

In fact in some lisps, that's how it's implemented.
If all we had was fn, we could build let with a simple macro.

(let [a 1]
  (let [b (inc a)]
    (* a b)))

is just

((fn [a]
   ((fn [b]
      (* a b)
      ) (inc a))
   ) 1)

And it's easy to transform one into the other.
But the second form is much harder to read.

If we didn't have let, how could we do this sort of thing and remain sane?
We could make it easier to read by defining the function bind:

(defn bind [value function]
  (function value))

This, by reversing the order of function and argument, allows us to write:

(bind 1 (fn [a]
          (bind (inc a) (fn [b]
                          (* a b)))))

Thus putting the names nearer to the values they take.

This being lisp, we could introduce a special syntax to take away the boilerplate:

(defmacro with-binder [binder bindings expression]
  (if (= 0 (count bindings))
    `(~binder ~(second bindings) (fn[~(first bindings)]
                                (with-binder ~binder ~(drop 2 bindings) ~expression)))))

and we have let back!

(with-binder bind 
  [a 1
   b (inc a)]
  (* a b))

Notice that I've put bind as a parameter of the macro. It could have been hard coded, but now we can put other functions in its place.

There are sometimes reasons to use a different bind.

For instance, suppose that we have functions that can produce nil.
Consider a function which looks something up in a list and returns nil if it's not there.

(defn string->int[x]
  (condp = x "one" 1 "two" 2 nil))
(defn int->string[x]
  (condp = x 1 "one" 2 "two" nil))

Here are some unit tests:

(map string->int '("one" "two" "three"))
(map int->string '(1 2 3))

If we want to compute without throwing exceptions, we need to catch nils and short-circuit the bits of the computation that can't deal with them.

(defn buggy-add-string [a b]
  (let [av (string->int a)
        bv (string->int b)
        cv (+ av bv)
        c (int->string cv)] 

(buggy-add-string "one" "one")   ;;-> "two"
(buggy-add-string "one" "two")   ;;-> nil
(buggy-add-string "one" "three") ;;is an error. 

We need instead to write:

(defn guarded-add-string [a b]
  (let [av (string->int a)]
    (if (nil? av) nil
        (let [bv (string->int b)]
          (if (nil? bv) nil
              (let [cv (+ av bv)]
                (let [c (int->string cv)]

(guarded-add-string "one" "one")   ;;-> "two"
(guarded-add-string "one" "two")   ;;-> nil
(guarded-add-string "one" "three") ;;-> nil 

This sort of code is repetitive, difficult to read and understand, boring and error-prone to write. If we want to do this sort of thing (and we want to do it all the time!) we need to find a way of abstracting the pattern away, so that we can leave the interesting parts to be our program.

First let's notice that it doesn't do any harm to check for nils even after functions that don't produce them, so we could make the code more uniform by always checking:

(defn over-guarded-add-string [a b]
  (let [av (string->int a)]
    (if (nil? av) nil
        (let [bv (string->int b)]
          (if (nil? bv) nil
              (let [cv (+ av bv)]
                (if (nil? cv) nil
                    (let [c (int->string cv)]
                      (if (nil? c) nil

Of course, this makes the readability even worse, but we have more hope of abstracting away a uniform pattern.

By analogy with the bind function above, we can use maybe-bind to abstract away the checking.

(defn maybe-bind [value function]
  (if (nil? value) nil
      (function value)))

(defn maybe-add-string [a b]
  (maybe-bind (string->int a) (fn [av]
        (maybe-bind (string->int b) (fn [bv]
              (maybe-bind (+ av bv) (fn [cv]
                    (maybe-bind (int->string cv) (fn[c]

(maybe-add-string "one" "one")   ;;-> "two"
(maybe-add-string "one" "two")   ;;-> nil
(maybe-add-string "one" "three") ;;-> nil

This is still a bit of a nightmare, but a similar pattern to the one above has emerged.

If we use our macro from above, it looks much better

(defn monadic-add-string [a b]
  (with-binder maybe-bind
    [av (string->int a)
     bv (string->int b)
     cv (+ av bv)
     c (int->string cv)] 

but it still works:

(monadic-add-string "one" "one") ;;-> "two"
(monadic-add-string "one" "two") ;;-> nil
(monadic-add-string "one" "three") ;;-> nil

This is just like the code we would have written if we'd been happy to let nils cause exceptions.

We've literally substituted "with-binder maybe-bind" for "let" and all the horror has gone away.

I think this would be pretty impressive of itself, since removing exactly this source of complexity was the major motivation for inventing exception handling.

But it turns out to be an example of a general pattern where you want to process values before assigning them to variables in a series of lets.

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